Warm welcome to our blog! Here we mix our best tips with things that can be good to know before childbirth, during pregnancy, and afterwards. Things we come across along the way and want to share with you, simply. If you have any requests for blog posts or a topic we should talk more about, please feel free to send us an email and we promise to take a look and get back to you!


Remember to take care of yourself – you deserve it ♡

Vad är en doula?

What is a doula?

A doula is a person who may have personal experience with childbirth and who has experience supporting other parents before, during, and after childbirth. The doula has no medical responsibility and typically does not have...
När räknas bebisens skrik som kolik?

When is a baby's crying considered colic?

A generally healthy baby who cries, struggles, or is unhappy and inconsolable for more than three hours a day, at least 3 times a week, has colic. Dr. Wessel wrote these diagnostic criteria as early...
Det här med BF-datum…

About the Due Date...

… forget everything you think you know! "I am one day past my due date and I really don't want to go over time, why doesn't my baby want to come out?"There is a lot...
Hud mot hud


Lying skin-to-skin with your baby during the early days is both cozy and wonderful, but also a way to acclimate your baby to life outside the womb. Babies have not yet learned to develop and...
Myter om amning

Myths about breastfeeding

There are plenty of myths about breastfeeding! Have you also sat there as a new mother, totally confused and downhearted by all the different claims and opinions about breastfeeding? When you have a baby, it...
Intressant om navelsträngen

Interesting Facts About the Umbilical Cord

Did you know that if the umbilical cord is clamped immediately after the baby is born (early clamping), the blood remains in the placenta and goes to waste (or can be stored in stem cell...
Ofarliga blödningar under graviditeten

Harmless bleeding during pregnancy

There is too little discussion about various types of bleeding that can occur during early pregnancy, so we thought we'd go through 4 different types of bleeding that are completely harmless. Implantation bleedingBleeding that can...
Låt oss prata om livmodern

Let's Talk About the Uterus

Seriously, how amazing is the female body? When the uterus starts preparing for childbirth, the large muscle contracts, causing the belly to harden for a moment before softening. When you have a contraction, the belly...
Donera bröstmjölk

Donate Breast Milk

Do you have more breast milk than your baby needs? If you have more breast milk than your baby needs, you are welcome to donate the surplus to hospitals. For the smallest babies, born between...