
Lying skin-to-skin with your baby during the early days is both cozy and wonderful, but also a way to acclimate your baby to life outside the womb. Babies have not yet learned to develop and understand verbal communication, which is why skin-to-skin contact is an important way to communicate tenderness, closeness, security, and love. When you caress, stroke, carry, and hug your baby, not only does the bond between mother and baby strengthen, but the touch also stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin, which has healing and stress-reducing effects. The child needs human love through closeness.
Benefits of skin-to-skin contact:
- The baby's heart rate and breathing become more stable and calm
- The baby maintains temperature and has more stable blood sugar levels
- The baby becomes less stressed
- The baby's immune system develops faster
- The baby's breastfeeding reflex is stimulated through skin contact and smell
- Oxytocin is released – it is a hormone that calms, reduces pain sensitivity, and stimulates growth and healing
- The attachment and emotional bonds between child and parent are strengthened
- Babies who receive body contact cry less
- Tags: Fakta Inför förlossning