Donate Breast Milk

Do you have more breast milk than your baby needs?
If you have more breast milk than your baby needs, you are welcome to donate the surplus to hospitals. For the smallest babies, born between weeks 22 and 34, there are no alternatives to breast milk. Your contribution can save lives.
It is completely normal for it to leak breast milk in the beginning after childbirth, but if you leak a lot and often, it may be a sign that you are producing more breast milk than needed.
Since the nutritional composition of breast milk changes as the baby grows, breast milk donated during the first 3 months is best suited for use for premature babies in neonatal units.
You can donate as long as you are healthy, and do not:
- Drink alcohol or large amounts of coffee (more than 3 cups/day)
- Smoke or use snuff
- Have received blood transfusions, tattoos, or piercings in the last 6 months
- Take medication regularly
Contact your local breast milk bank for more information.
If you think you have more breast milk than you need, you can express breast milk.
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