Warm welcome to our blog! Here we mix our best tips with things that can be good to know before childbirth, during pregnancy, and afterwards. Things we come across along the way and want to share with you, simply. If you have any requests for blog posts or a topic we should talk more about, please feel free to send us an email and we promise to take a look and get back to you!


Remember to take care of yourself – you deserve it ♡

Vad behöver jag till min bebis?

What do I need for my baby?

Preparing for a new family member is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience. Many expectant parents ask themselves: "What do I need for my baby?" and although it is, of course, very individual, there are...
Undersök brösten även när du är gravid eller ammar

Examine your breasts even when you are pregnant or breastfeeding

Self-examination of the breasts is extremely important for early detection of changes that could potentially be serious. Early detection of breast cancer increases the chances for successful treatment, and by conducting regular checks, you can...
Hur stöttar man sin partner efter förlossningen?

How to Support Your Partner After Childbirth?

Supporting your partner after childbirth is incredibly important. The first period after a child's arrival can be overwhelming and challenging. It is essential to create an environment of love, support, and understanding where both parties...
Ärrmobilisering kejsarsnitt

Scar Mobilization Cesarean Section

In the initial period after a cesarean section, the scar is often raised and dark, but over time it becomes less and less prominent. However, what can happen is that small adhesions form between the...
Tips till dig som spruckit under förlossning

Tips for You Who Experienced Tearing During Childbirth

About 80% of all first-time mothers experience some form of tear when giving birth, and about 3% suffer from more severe tears or lacerations during delivery. Whether you have torn or not, it is crucial...
10 saker att ta med i förlossningsbrevet

10 things to include in your birth plan

How do you write a birth plan – and what is it? You’ve probably already planned everything from the first sign of labor until you come home with your newborn in your arms. That’s often...
Allt du behöver veta om RS-virus hos barn

Everything You Need to Know About RSV in Children

RSV in Children What is RSV? RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, which affects the airways of young children. An RSV infection often starts like a common cold, and almost all children get an RSV...
10 tips på hur du klarar julen utan stress

10 tips on how to survive Christmas without stress

Pregnant during the Christmas season? Congratulations! No matter which trimester you're in, Christmas comes with both challenges and joys. Christmas Eve is approaching quickly, but the decorations are not up yet. You haven't had time...
Gravid – vad kan man äta på julbordet?

Pregnant – what can you eat at the Christmas table?

Christmas is approaching rapidly, and it is FINALLY time for the Christmas buffet. You are pregnant, and suddenly you become very unsure about what you can and should avoid eating. We know, because we have...