Warm welcome to our blog! Here we mix our best tips with things that can be good to know before childbirth, during pregnancy, and afterwards. Things we come across along the way and want to share with you, simply. If you have any requests for blog posts or a topic we should talk more about, please feel free to send us an email and we promise to take a look and get back to you!


Remember to take care of yourself – you deserve it ♡

5 fördelar med sittkudde

5 benefits of a sitting cushion

A seat cushion provides reliefSitting on a seat cushion when you are pregnant or after giving birth can be very comfortable. Our seat cushion has a hole in the middle that relieves a sore perineum...
Första toalettbesöket efter förlossningen

First Bathroom Visit After Giving Birth

The first visit to the toilet is something you didn't look forward to as you had heard many horror stories about it being painful, but there are actually tips and help you can use! Among...
Aktivera bålen efter förlossningen

Activate the Core Postpartum

After childbirth, the body needs time to recover and heal from both pregnancy and delivery. When you first come home from the hospital, the focus is on the new little life. When you eventually have...
Våra sanningar om fjärde trimestern

Our Truths About the Fourth Trimester

You are doing an amazing job.You won't enjoy every single second, and that's completely okay!There are no good or bad babies, they are just babies.There is no such thing as ‘’bouncing back’’ immediately after childbirth.Your genital...
När räknas bebisens skrik som kolik?

When is a baby's crying considered colic?

A generally healthy baby who cries, struggles, or is unhappy and inconsolable for more than three hours a day, at least 3 times a week, has colic. Dr. Wessel wrote these diagnostic criteria as early...
Fakta om amning

Facts About Breastfeeding

Good to Know About Breastfeeding Breastfeeding your child is a great way to provide your child with nutrition. The milk produced in the mother's breasts contains everything the baby needs. For some, breastfeeding starts quickly...
Donera bröstmjölk

Donate Breast Milk

Do you have more breast milk than your baby needs? If you have more breast milk than your baby needs, you are welcome to donate the surplus to hospitals. For the smallest babies, born between...