Activate the Core Postpartum

After childbirth, the body needs time to recover and heal from both pregnancy and delivery. When you first come home from the hospital, the focus is on the new little life.
When you eventually have the energy and feel ready to start moving your body, simple walks can be a good start. You can also start doing small activation exercises for the stomach and pelvis at home. Just don't forget to drink enough water.
Here are two tips to start activating your body from within:
Pelvic Floor Exercises
You can start pelvic floor exercises as early as a week after delivery. These can be done anywhere, standing or sitting, to activate the pelvic floor muscles that have been strained during both pregnancy and childbirth. -
Abdominal Muscles
The next step is to activate the abdominal muscles again. To find the abdominal muscles, you can try lying on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Inhale and on the exhale, gently tighten your stomach. When it feels comfortable, you can engage the pelvic floor muscles during the exercise.
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