Warm welcome to our blog! Here we mix our best tips with things that can be good to know before childbirth, during pregnancy, and afterwards. Things we come across along the way and want to share with you, simply. If you have any requests for blog posts or a topic we should talk more about, please feel free to send us an email and we promise to take a look and get back to you!


Remember to take care of yourself – you deserve it ♡

Hur funkar det att föda i vatten?

How does water birth work?

How does water birth work? Can everyone give birth in water and is it really good for the baby? We have investigated the matter further! What is water birth? Water birth means giving birth to...
5 fördelar med sittkudde

5 benefits of a sitting cushion

A seat cushion provides reliefSitting on a seat cushion when you are pregnant or after giving birth can be very comfortable. Our seat cushion has a hole in the middle that relieves a sore perineum...
Tips till dig som är anhörig till någon som förlorat sitt barn

Tips for Those Supporting Someone Who Has Lost Their Child

Losing a child is one of the worst things one can go through in life. Standing by as a relative or partner is also not easy. As a partner, you feel as much sorrow as...
Tips till dig som förlorat ett barn

Tips for Those Who Have Lost a Child

Being pregnant means being part of something new. It is an incredible feeling to know that a life is growing inside you, but often this feeling is mixed with a fear that something might happen....
Hur jag förlorade mitt barn

How I Lost My Child

Losing your child is the absolute worst thing anyone can go through. It’s a situation you wish no one would ever have to experience. Parents should not outlive their children; children should outlive their parents....
Vad är en doula?

What is a doula?

A doula is a person who may have personal experience with childbirth and who has experience supporting other parents before, during, and after childbirth. The doula has no medical responsibility and typically does not have...
5 tips till dig som är gravid på sommaren

5 tips for being pregnant in the summer

Are you due to give birth during the summer months or just afterwards? Being pregnant in the summer can be very challenging, especially if it's one of those super summers that you always hope for...
Packlista BB väska – Topp 10

Hospital Bag Checklist – Top 10

What to pack for the maternity ward? Here are the absolute best tips on what you should have in your maternity bag. Ten things you absolutely cannot do without that will make your time in...