
Sustainability & Quality Policy

Our Business

Plume Sweden AB is a company focused on creating products that
ease pregnancy and improve postpartum care for new mothers.
Our products are always developed in consultation with and based on advice from midwives,
doctors, and/or other knowledgeable personnel in the field. We conduct ongoing
analyses of our products and how they can be improved. The ideas for the products
often stem from tools/aids we wish we had during our own
pregnancies. With our products, our vision is to create a better
everyday life for all pregnant women and new mothers.

Work Methods and Quality Assurance

The products from Plume Sweden AB are primarily manufactured in China but also in
Slovakia, Poland, and Sweden. In our environmental and sustainability work, we aim to find
more suppliers in Sweden, allowing us to move more
of our operations to Swedish soil, both from an environmental perspective and to benefit the
Swedish workforce and economy. However, the most important thing for us is that all women in
Sweden should be able to afford better well-being, which is why we invest in high-quality
and safe products from China that still have lower price points compared to the Swedish
market. We are working with potential Swedish suppliers to find a
pricing model that works for all parties.

All our products are correctly labeled, comply with Swedish legislation, and meet the
functions our customers expect. We place great importance on quality assurance
for both our products and our suppliers. The requirements we impose on our suppliers
concern, among other things, the environment, legislation, and human rights.

The factories we collaborate with are carefully selected and have all undergone our
quality assurance process, ensuring they have good working conditions, proper certifications, a
sustainable mindset, and use environmentally friendly materials. They have also signed our Code of
Conduct, a document in which the factory confirms that they comply with laws and regulations,
do not engage in corruption or child labor, and respect animals and society in
their work. In selecting which factories to collaborate with, we have worked with Prevas,
which specializes in quality, environment, and work processes. Together, we have reviewed
all the documentation received from the factories to ensure that
they meet our requirements. We have been virtually guided through the factories and received
documentation showing that the factories work according to our guidelines. Going forward, we hope to have the opportunity to visit the factories and build even stronger relationships with our suppliers.

Sustainability is important to us, and it is of utmost importance that everyone within our community
shares the same values and represents Plume Sweden AB to the best of their ability.
We have a policy that supports and complements existing legislation for both employees,
management, and suppliers. Plume Sweden AB has a policy that provides guidance on how we
conduct our business and the values that are applied in our work processes. It also
describes how we choose suppliers and what is important to us in the production chain.

Guidelines for Our Quality Work

  • We continuously evaluate customer satisfaction and constantly work on developing our
  • We strive to always provide desired products or work on
    improvements to achieve the highest customer satisfaction.
  • We actively work to meet our customers' needs and run our business in
    accordance with our stakeholders' requirements and applicable laws and regulations.
  • Our employees, consultants, and partners are expected to contribute their
    knowledge and commitment to developing high-quality services and products.
  • We actively promote Swedish small businesses by selecting
    partners and suppliers from this sector whenever possible.
  • Our products are always quality tested, and when Plume Sweden AB
    cannot be physically present during testing, the tests are documented via
    images/videos/text and submitted to Plume Sweden AB for review.
  • In case of returns or complaints, we handle all matters with the utmost respect, integrity,
    and as quickly as possible throughout the process.
  • We work exclusively with factories that have undergone our
    quality assurance process.

Guidelines for Our Environmental Work

  • We always keep the environment and sustainability in mind in our daily work.
  • Whenever possible, we encourage our customers, stakeholders, and
    suppliers to consider the environment. For example, by specifying how packaging
    and products should be sorted.
  • We work as much as possible with digital solutions for invoicing, customer contact,
    and other digitalized areas to reduce the use of paper resources.
  • We actively promote suppliers and partners who have documented
    environmental work.
  • Whenever possible, we focus on consolidating shipments from our
  • When possible, we choose sea freight as an alternative for products
    coming from countries other than Sweden.
  • We always pack our products with as little air as possible and choose box sizes
    based on need. When possible, we choose recycled materials for
    packaging and avoid, for example, plastic trays and similar materials.

Relevant Sustainability Areas

Together with Almi Business Development and Growth, we have ongoing dialogues on
sustainability and environmental issues and receive support in identifying and working toward our
goals aligned with the Global Goals for Sustainable Development in Agenda
2030 and ISO 26 000.

There are a total of 17 goals and 169 targets in the Global Goals for Sustainable Development
(Sustainable Development Goals), and as much as we would like to, it is not possible
for us as a small company to work toward all of them. We have therefore identified the goals and
targets that we and our stakeholders can work with where we have the greatest impact and
which align with our business and objectives.

The relevant sustainability areas we have identified are as follows:

plume hallbarhetsomraden

Customer & Consumer: We always strive to communicate, sell, and produce in a
way that contributes to sustainable development.

Environmental Issues: We always take our environmental responsibility seriously and aim to use the most environmentally friendly
options available and do what we can for the environment both locally and globally.

Societal Issues & Development: We always strive to have a positive impact on our
customers, social media followers, and partners/suppliers/retailers.

Human Rights: We require all
companies/employees/suppliers/retailers to adhere to UN rules regarding
human rights throughout their value chain.

Working Conditions: We only employ/hire staff under good conditions that provide
good working conditions. We also require only
subcontractors and partners with good judgment, according to our guidelines, to be associated
with our brand.

Business Ethics: We share only research-based information and, when possible, provide links/references to the source. We take full responsibility for the company’s
impact, transparency, and ethical behavior and fully respect stakeholder
interests, the rule of law, and human rights.

Relevant Sustainability Areas Linked to Agenda 2030 and ISO 26 000

We have identified the goals that Plume Sweden AB is committed to supporting
and working towards in our ongoing work now and in the future.

The relevant goals we have identified for Plume Sweden AB are as follows:

M1 Environment – Preventing Pollution
We manage our waste according to current guidelines and continuously stay updated
on how different materials are sorted, taking responsibility for contributing to a cleaner world.
When Plume Sweden AB travels, it is done with environmental awareness,
and we always choose the most environmentally friendly option whenever possible.

M3 Environment – Acting for the Climate
Whenever we have the opportunity to influence, we always choose sea freight as the shipping option from
our suppliers. We also consolidate shipments of our products both from suppliers
and to customers/retailers whenever possible.

E4 Business Ethics – Supporting a Sustainable Value Chain
Sustainability is a common thread throughout our value chain and products. We
only purchase products/materials produced by businesses that are also
sustainable and respect human rights, the environment, and society as a whole. Our
products can be traced if problems arise, and by maintaining close contact with our manufacturers and suppliers, we can always act responsibly.

E1 Business Ethics – Combating Corruption
We work diligently to identify and combat risks of corruption or extortion in our
partnerships/consultants/suppliers/retailers. We fully support the existing

K5 Customer & Consumer – Protecting Customers’ Personal Data and Privacy
We have developed a privacy policy outlining how Plume Sweden AB handles
personal data and GDPR. You can read our privacy policy here:
Plume Sweden AB Privacy Policy

K2 Customer & Consumer – Promoting Safe Products and Services
Our products are quality tested and comply with regulations regarding certifications,
ISO, and the like. We have ensured that we comply with all regulations to
minimize any risk of harm when our products are used.

K3 Customer & Consumer – Promoting Sustainable Consumption
In our marketing, we consider consumption levels and strive for sustainable development
in customer choices and purchase decisions based on accurate information and
market-based prices.

R2 Human Rights – Promoting Equality, Gender Equality, and Diversity
We work for equality, gender equality, and diversity. This means we always
consider how we affect, what we write, and what images we use to
create value and contribute to a healthy society free from discrimination.

R5 Human Rights – Identifying Risk Situations
We believe that by being extremely thorough in our selection of factories with which we collaborate,
we identify and monitor the risk situations that may arise in our direct
value chain.

R6 Human Rights – Protecting Civil and Political Rights
We respect and actively work in any way we can to influence the development towards a
more open, free, and democratic world.

R7 Human Rights – Protecting Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
We value democratic principles and diversity and oppose all forms of
discrimination. It is important for us to ensure good working conditions and decent
living conditions for our staff and the people involved in our
work processes, both in Sweden and in other parts of the world. For example, we conduct
regular checks and evaluations of our factories and suppliers.

R8 Human Rights – Protecting Fundamental Principles and Rights in
the Workplace

We care about our employees, whether it is a staff member at our headquarters
or one of our employees in production in China or Slovakia. We fully
condemn any form of forced labor or child labor.

S1 Community Development – Engaging in the Local Community
As a small business, we engage in local associations and in issues that
our stakeholders consider important, as well as issues related to our business line and our

S7 Community Development – Contributing to Community Investments
To contribute to sustainable community development, we continuously look at which
associations/businesses/influencers/networks align with
our products and values. Currently (2022), we contribute, among other things, to
fundraising for Spädbarnsfonden to support their vital work in supporting families who have lost a child. We are also open to collaborating with healthcare providers, midwifery clinics, and
maternal health centers to contribute more significantly to community investments in
the form of improved postpartum care for pregnant women and new mothers.

A4 Work Environment – Promoting Good Health in the Workplace
We work continuously to maintain regular conversations with our employees and consultants to
ensure they are physically, mentally, and socially well in their work with Plume
Sweden AB.

A2 Work Environment – Promoting Healthy Working Conditions
We always pay fair compensation for the work that our
employees/consultants/suppliers perform for us. We also strongly believe that our
employees should be able to maintain a good work-life balance while working
with Plume Sweden AB.