The Famous Mucus Plug

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During pregnancy, a lot happens in the woman's body, and one of the most exciting events, according to many, is when the mucus plug comes out! It can be a clear sign that labor is approaching, but it's important to remember that it doesn't necessarily mean that labor has started. The release of the mucus plug indicates that the body is preparing for birth, but even if the mucus plug has come out, it can still be days or even weeks before it's time. However, the mucus plug can also come out just before it's time, or even during labor itself.

What is a mucus plug?

At the end of pregnancy, the cervix softens and shortens. When this happens, a mucous discharge is often seen, like a gel-like mass, which forms in the cervix early in pregnancy. The mucus plug acts as a protective barrier to prevent bacteria and infections from reaching the fetal membranes and the fetus.

What does the mucus plug look like?

The appearance of the mucus plug varies from person to person, both in color and size. It can be clear, whitish, yellowish, or brownish and can be thick or more watery. The size varies, but it is usually about the size of a ping pong ball or a bit smaller.

The function of the mucus plug during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mucus plug is important for protecting the fetus from infections. It seals the cervix like a small cork, creating a safe environment for the little life growing inside. A mucus plug is not unique to pregnancy; all women have one. It sits around the cervical opening where there is always mucus, but during pregnancy, this mucus becomes thicker.

When the mucus plug comes out

As the cervix prepares for labor, it can soften, shorten, and begin to open. This is when the mucus plug can come out. This can happen a few hours, days, or weeks before labor actually starts. Of course, it's very exciting when the mucus plug finally comes out, and you start approaching the big day. However, remember that it doesn't always mean that labor is just around the corner.

How do you know if the mucus plug has come out?

Some people notice immediately when the mucus plug has come out, while others don't notice it at all. When the mucus plug comes out, it can do so as a whole lump, gradually, or in small pieces. You may notice it, for example, when you wipe yourself after using the toilet or as a lump in your underwear. It can also come out in the shower, and you might wash it away without noticing.

Can you feel the mucus plug coming out?

For most people, it doesn't feel like anything when the mucus plug comes out. However, if you feel a dull ache like menstrual cramps and are at the end of your pregnancy, it might be the cervix starting to stretch and the mucus plug coming out.

Should you call the maternity ward when the mucus plug comes out?

Since the mucus plug can come out in stages and some time before labor actually starts, you don't need to contact or go to the maternity ward just yet. You will probably meet your baby within a week, but wait to go to the hospital until you are sure that labor has started. How do you know when it's time? Feel free to read our previous post on this here: How do you know when it's time to give birth?

However, there are some situations when it may be appropriate to contact your midwife or doctor:

  1. If you are worried or unsure whether it is the mucus plug that has come out. It can be good to get confirmation and support from a professional who knows.
  2. If you lose the mucus plug earlier than expected, for example, before week 37 of pregnancy. This can be a sign of preterm labor.
  3. If the mucus plug contains fresh blood. A small amount of blood is normal, but if there is a lot of blood or if the blood is bright red, you should contact your midwife or doctor immediately.
  4. If you experience painful contractions or signs of labor shortly after losing the mucus plug.


We hope this blog post has given you a better understanding of the role of the mucus plug during pregnancy. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and the most important thing is to listen to your body and follow your instincts. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and the upcoming birth!
