Take care of yourself after childbirth

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Giving birth is a wonderful experience, but it is also a challenging time for your body and mind. We have put together a short guide with tips and advice on how you can take care of yourself after childbirth and hopefully achieve a quicker and easier recovery.

Rest and Recovery After Childbirth

  1. The first few weeks after childbirth, it is important that you rest and take care of yourself. Ask for help from your partner, family, or friends with household chores, cooking, and babysitting.
  2. Sleep as much as you can! Even if it's just short naps during the day, sleep will help you recover better.
  3. Listen to your body and avoid strenuous activities.

Physical Recovery After Childbirth

  1. When you feel up to it, start with light walks and begin pelvic floor exercises as soon as you feel ready.
  2. Eat as healthily as you can and drink plenty of water. Invest in a good water bottle with a straw that you always carry with you.
  3. If you have tears or stitches, make sure to take proper care of them.

Emotional Recovery After Childbirth

  1. It is completely normal to feel tired, anxious, or down after childbirth. If you are worried that your low mood is something more, you can read our blog post Postpartum Depression and Baby Blues.
  2. Join a mom group or find other moms to talk to. It can feel good to share thoughts and experiences with others in the same situation. Did you know that Plume has its own mom group on Facebook? You can find it here: Open & Honest Mom Talk – Plume Community
  3. Take time for relaxation and activities you enjoy. Becoming a mom is a big deal, but don't forget that you are still you too.

Take Care of Your Mental Health After Childbirth

  1. Set realistic expectations. It takes time to recover from childbirth. Don't be too hard on yourself and don't compare yourself too much to others on social media, for example. You are doing your best, and that is more than enough!
  2. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you feel overwhelmed, say so. Ask for help from those around you!
  3. Take care of yourself and your body in a way that makes you feel good.

Remember that you are not alone. It is normal to feel exhausted and overwhelmed after childbirth. By taking care of yourself in the best possible way, you can also take care of your baby in the best possible way. We wish you a healthy recovery and don't forget to enjoy your new family <3
