Warm welcome to our blog! Here we mix our best tips with things that can be good to know before childbirth, during pregnancy, and afterwards. Things we come across along the way and want to share with you, simply. If you have any requests for blog posts or a topic we should talk more about, please feel free to send us an email and we promise to take a look and get back to you!


Remember to take care of yourself – you deserve it ♡

Perineal massage - såhär gör du

Perineal massage - såhär gör du

Minska risken för att spricka under förlossningen med perinealmassage  Ett orosmoment hos många blivande mödrar är att spricka under förlossningen. För att minska risken kan du med fördel regelbundet massera mellangården med olja. Att utföra...
Vad behöver jag till min bebis?

What do I need for my baby?

Preparing for a new family member is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience. Many expectant parents ask themselves: "What do I need for my baby?" and although it is, of course, very individual, there are...
Föda med kejsarsnitt

Giving Birth via Cesarean Section

Giving birth by cesarean section can be either a personal choice or a medical necessity – regardless of the reason, the birth is just as important and meaningful as a vaginal delivery ♡ What does...
Den berömda slemproppen

The Famous Mucus Plug

During pregnancy, a lot happens in the woman's body, and one of the most exciting events, according to many, is when the mucus plug comes out! It can be a clear sign that labor is...
Spricka under förlossningen

Perineal Tear During Childbirth

Tearing during childbirth is more common than you might think. Have you recently given birth? Wonderful! We hope everything went as smoothly as possible for both you and your baby, but we also know that's...
10 saker att ta med i förlossningsbrevet

10 things to include in your birth plan

How do you write a birth plan – and what is it? You’ve probably already planned everything from the first sign of labor until you come home with your newborn in your arms. That’s often...
Hur funkar det att föda i vatten?

How does water birth work?

How does water birth work? Can everyone give birth in water and is it really good for the baby? We have investigated the matter further! What is water birth? Water birth means giving birth to...
Hur vet man när man ska föda?

How do you know when you are going into labor?

How do you know when you're going to give birth? How do you know when it's time to go to the hospital? These are questions that all first-time mothers ask themselves. Some believe it's time...
Vad är en doula?

What is a doula?

A doula is a person who may have personal experience with childbirth and who has experience supporting other parents before, during, and after childbirth. The doula has no medical responsibility and typically does not have...