
A box for you who have just given birth. Contains our favorites and a little more!

Things that are good to have after giving birth
Giving birth is an incredible, transformative experience charged with a primal force that is overwhelming. It is an experience in many ways, but the absolute best part is, of course, after the delivery when you get to take your newborn bundle home. Many pregnant women wonder what the time after childbirth will be like for them as new mothers. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for all pregnant women and new mothers. We have given birth ourselves and know the challenges one can face in the early postpartum period.

The early postpartum period
Our Deluxe Box is a more comprehensive version of our Pregnancy Box – also known as the postpartum box, but what does postpartum mean? It is the period that begins immediately after your delivery. Postpartum simply means "after childbirth" and is the time when the mother's body begins to recover and return to its pre-pregnancy state. A lot happens in the body right after giving birth, and during the postpartum period, metabolism and hormone production are being readjusted. It is also the time when your body begins to heal, which can cause pain and tenderness in various areas.

Choose the right size for your postpartum panties
The panties come in two sizes:

XS – M: Hip measurement 75 – 135 cm
L – XXL: Hip measurement 115 – 160 cm

Use your pre-pregnancy size as a starting point when choosing your size!

Common problems after childbirth
Our Deluxe Box provides you with several products that help you through common problems that can arise after childbirth:

It hurts to go to the bathroom after giving birth
This is common after giving birth. If you had a vaginal delivery, you are probably tender and swollen in the genital area. If you had a cesarean section, you have healing wounds that can be painful when you strain too much. With the help of an intimate shower like our Plume Wash, it becomes easier to clean the genital area after childbirth.

The body changes during and after your pregnancy
During pregnancy, it is common to suffer from issues such as hemorrhoids and sore breasts. After childbirth, many also experience a swollen genital area, mastitis, or tender scars from, for example, a cesarean section. In our Deluxe Box, you get Plume's own Gel Pack, which works equally well as an ice pad or a heating pad. It is perfect for relieving pain and reducing swelling.

It feels like the bleeding will never stop after childbirth
Regardless of whether you had a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section, you will bleed for 6 – 8 weeks after your delivery. This is called lochia and occurs because the uterus is returning to its original size. Everyone bleeds differently, but one common concern is avoiding leakage and uncomfortable pads. We recommend having large postpartum pads at home during the early days. Our Maxi postpartum pads have extra protection and leakage barriers so you can feel completely secure and, instead of worrying, spend time on yourself and your newborn baby.

It hurts to wear panties
The last thing you want after giving birth is to put on a pair of hard, chafing panties. If you liked the soft mesh panties you got at the hospital, you will LOVE the panties we included in our Deluxe Box. These are Plume's Postpartum Panties - seamless, soft, and stretchy panties that also have a good fit, keeping large postpartum pads in place. They are invaluable for avoiding chafing against the skin, genital area, or abdomen.


Our Vision

Our vision is to create a better everyday life for all pregnant and new mothers.

We know, there will be sleepless nights, baby spit-up in your hair, and probably a few moments of worry. But does it really have to hurt to go to the bathroom? Our products are specially developed to help you with your postpartum recovery and to allow you to take care of yourself and your amazing body in a gentle and effective way!

We want your early days as a mother to be wonderful and not for everyday activities, like going to the bathroom, to have to be painful.

C’est tout!