
Relieving cushion for sore perineum after childbirth

During pregnancy, you often receive a lot of information from almost everyone around you; the midwife, family, friends. After the baby has finally arrived, it is less common to discuss the problems that can persist for quite some time; pain, swollen perineum, tears, hemorrhoids, tailbone pain, etc.

At Plume, we know from experience that simple everyday tasks such as sitting on a chair can be challenging after giving birth. It shouldn't be that way, which is why we have developed this wonderful postpartum cushion that helps reduce pressure on the sore areas.

Soft cushion for childbirth injuries or surgery

Giving birth is a physical strain on the body. Most who give birth vaginally get tears in the vagina or perineum, and some need stitches while others heal on their own. It's not unusual to have pain in the first few weeks, but even though it's common, you shouldn't have to grit your teeth and endure it. If you find it painful to sit on a regular surface, it's comfortable to sit on a cushion that relieves pressure. If you have suffered a childbirth injury or have had surgery, a soft cushion can also improve your sitting posture and thus contribute to a quicker recovery.


A sitting cushion can also improve posture

Sitting on a donut cushion can also help promote stability while sitting. After a pregnancy, it often takes some time for the abdominal muscles to grow together and become stable again. A sitting cushion can help maintain proper posture during this period.

Soft sitting cushion for optimal comfort

Plume relief cushion is made of polyester and spandex with a foam rubber base. This makes the cushion soft and comfortable to sit on while also being stable. Our sitting cushion is also easy to take with you everywhere, and when packed in its case, it is both discreet and takes up very little space. Take your new best friend everywhere! Try using it on a chair, sofa, or in the car and enjoy being able to sit down without pain.

3 benefits of a sitting cushion after childbirth and in case of childbirth injury/surgery

  1. A donut/relief sitting cushion reduces pressure on the perineum and rectum. It is thus less painful than sitting directly on a hard surface chair.
  2. This type of relief cushion is easy and discreet to take with you everywhere. Place it on the sofa or take it with you in the car!
  3. An inflatable sitting cushion also provides natural relief for the tailbone, pelvic area, and lower back.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a better everyday life for all pregnant and new mothers.

We know, there will be sleepless nights, baby spit-up in your hair, and probably moments of worry. But does it really have to hurt to go to the bathroom? Our products are specially developed to help you recover after childbirth and to take care of yourself and your incredible body in a gentle and effective way!

We want your early days as a mother to be wonderful and not have ordinary things, like going to the bathroom, cause you pain.

C’est tout!