Hand Mirror
Have you ever looked at your vulva? I mean really seen how it looks? If not, you should! Examine your vulva with a hand mirror and find out both how it looks and functions.
Getting to know your genital area is among the most important things you can do both to keep track of any irregularities and changes, but also to feel a connection with that part of your body. Your vulva is a part of you, own it!
With the help of our hand mirror, you can easily examine your genital area from all angles. By checking regularly, you can look out for any changes. Getting to know your vulva properly and daring to look at it can also open up for a better sex life as you feel more confident in your body. The vulva is amazing, so let it have a natural place in your reflection!
Do you know what your vulva looks like?
We have had mandatory sex education in Swedish schools since 1955, yet so many women do not want to look at their vulvas for various reasons. They might think it’s ugly, strange, or embarrassing, which of course is completely crazy. All vulvas are amazing, and so is yours. To raise awareness about how different vulvas are and to help women keep an extra eye on that area so they can quickly get help if something deviates, we recommend everyone to take a hand mirror and take a peek down there now and then.
Get to know your vulva
So how do you examine your vulva with a mirror? You can try either squatting or lying down on a bed or sofa. Hold the mirror and look at the entire area. See how the labia look and observe if you have any specific features, birthmarks, or similar. Then separate the labia and see how your genital area looks inside. Explore and feel how different parts of the vulva look and feel.
Every vulva looks different
Just as everyone's faces and bodies look different, everyone's vulvas look different. The labia can be large, small, hang outside, be different sizes. No vulva is like another, but most importantly, they are all perfect just as they are. The vulva is an important part of your body, be friends with it instead of ignoring its existence.

Our Vision
Our vision is to create a better everyday life for all pregnant and new mothers.
We know, there will be sleepless nights, baby spit-up in your hair, and probably a moment or two of worry. But does it really have to hurt to go to the bathroom? Our products are specially developed to help you with your recovery after childbirth and to allow you to take care of yourself and your incredible body in a gentle and effective way!
We want your first time as a mother to be wonderful and not for ordinary things, like going to the bathroom, to have to hurt.
C’est tout!